So far I have seen this on Tajik TV:
- A lot of concerts. All of them of Tajik artists singing silly songs about love. Tajik music is generally very boring, and their concerts are worse. Imagine a guy in a suit on an empty scene with some colourful balloons in the background. There is no group so everything is playback. And sometimes there are dancers. That's it. Oh, and at the end a little girl comes with flowers to give to the artist.
- Music videos. From Turkey, Iran (alas, alas) and Tajikistan, of course. Tajiks have a very bad taste in music. They absolutely love silly Persian love songs a la Arash. Why? It's truly depressing. They have an awesome artist in the late Misha but I haven't heard a single song from him while in Tajikistan. Instead they play Andy or Ebi or I don't know what other abominations emanating from Iran, the land of tacky trash.
- I saw a Tajik movie yesterday about a blind boy who listened to bees in bottles. It had Persian subtitles. Needless to say, it was very weird.
- Apparently there are a lot of Indian movies but so far I haven't seen any.
- A theatre about Alexander the Great. A lot of yelling. Very boring.
- News are near to nonexistent. I have to gather my news from the Russian channel or going to the Internet cafe.
- A documentary about the poet Sherali. Interesting.
- A music video, a Persian woman singing "Man ariyaiam" -- "I'm Aryan" to pictures of Tajikistan and its people. Very cheesy. But quite catchy.
All in all, a lot of entertainment, a lot of boring trash.
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